From the 2020 Commemoration Committee
2020 Commemoration Event - Texas Rose Festival Parade
October 19, 2019
The Texas Mayflower Society is will share its Pilgrim pride in the first parade for its members.
It is not too late to join your cousins as an entry in the 86th Texas Rose Festival Parade, October 19, 2019, at 9:00 a.m. in Tyler. The theme of the festival is: “Portraits of Inspiration.” The Texas Mayflower Society entry will be themed, “Mayflower Pilgrims - Portrait of Courage.” We sincerely hope that you will plan to be in beautiful Tyler to be with Mayflower cousins, make a television appearance and enjoy lunch together afterward. We will also allow time to attend the Queen’s Tea and the gorgeous Rose Garden, where admission is free!
You may visit the Texas Rose Festival website for complete information for the week-long activities and parade at:
Parade Information – morning of October 19, 2019:
~ We will meet in the north parking lot of LaQuinta - University Area, 2552 S. Southeast Loop 323, between 6:46-7:00 a.m., then drive to the staging area in carpools, leaving at 7:00 a.m. The staging area for parade entries will be in the parking lot of the Cotton Belt Building, 1517 West Front Street and Glenwood Blvd. A map is attached.
~ Breakfast bars, donut bites, mandarin oranges and water will be available at the staging area Saturday morning at no charge.
~ The Texas Society entry will include a 12’ X 6’ decorated trailer to transport younger descendants and those who do not wish to walk the 1.25-mile parade route. If you prefer to sit in the trailer during the parade, please bring a folding chair.
~ Children must be at least 6 years old to walk in the procession. They are welcomed to ride in the trailer with parent supervision.
~ The parade concludes at the Trinity Mother Frances Rose Stadium. Members may then car pool to lunch and return to enjoy the Texas Rose Festival Queen’s Tea, from 1:00p.m. - 3:00 p.m. and visit the beautiful Rose Garden, free of charge.
~ Viewing the parade route on Front Street and Rose Park Drive, is free for your family and friends not participating in the Mayflower Society entry. Tickets for reserved seating on the East side of the stadium are available for no charge. See Peggy or Jim Marsh.
Parade clothing suggestions:
~ The parade committee advised that we wear like clothing, such as tee shirts or a combination of Pilgrim attire and Mayflower-themed tee shirts. The parade will be televised on KETK and possibly later shown on YouTube, where we will have the opportunity to educate viewers, and publicize Texas Mayflower Society.
~ “Mayflower Descendant” clothing is no longer available to purchase but if you may wear a navy sweatshirt or tee shirt during the parade. Peggy Marsh purchased a few size large, long sleeved to have available, so see her before the parade begins if you need Mayflower Descendant top to wear.
Hotel Accommodations:
~ There are still reserved rooms available at the La Quinta Inn & Suites by Wyndham University Area: LaQuinta Inn and Suites – University Area, 2552 South Southeast Loop 323 at McDonald Road, Tyler, 903-525-9677.
~ The group room rate is $112.70 per night, including tax – ask for group rate: TX Mayflower. The group rate is confirmed for Friday, October 18 and Saturday, October 19, in the event you prefer to spend Saturday night also. The cut-off date for this rate is October 10, 2019.
~ If you wish to find your own hotel or any of the other travel companies, you can visit Trip Advisor at:
